December 2016
December in the Lower Keys! This is the time of year that will keep you on your toes for sure. Weather dictates everything on the flats right now. We have had some great warm weather with calm conditions the last couple of weeks and it has made for some great fishing! Yesterday seemed more like May then December - we found a lot of big laid up tarpon on the flats, I've also been seeing tailing permit all over the place and coming across quite a few bone fish too. This will last until we get our next cold front which will inevitably come (it is December). During the cooler water periods there are still some great fishing opportunities out there. Big barracuda have moved in in great numbers and sight casting to sharks in two feet of water is also lots of fun! So this month, I'll keep a close eye on the weather and keep my options open - you never know what you might come across out there.